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Black women are the foundation to life. We are almost required to hold everything the world has to throw at us. My time in therapy exposed my inability to allow things to be let go. I held on to everything in my past so intensely that I was making my past my reality. Shadow work with my childhood taught me that I came from a strong lineage of women but strong doesn’t necessarily mean whole. I was carrying my past with me and wondering why I didn’t have the space or capacity to hold positive experiences. The weight of carrying all my stuff, while worrying about everything else the world was throwing at me was wearing me down. I had to make a choice to let these bags rest. We as a society need to protect the Black Women surrounding us. It’s okay not to have everything together or take care of everyone. We have to sow just as much love and energy into self.


Year: 2022


Medium: Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas


Size: 30in by 40in

Pack Light

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